with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon.

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 with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon.

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with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. _
MessageSujet: with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon.   with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. EmptyJeu 13 Aoû - 19:29

Prénom Nom
célébrité + crédits
Exige beaucoup de toi-même et attends peu des autres. Ainsi beaucoup d'ennuis te seront épargnés.

PRÉNOM ET NOM : réponse ici. AGE : réponse ici. DATE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCE : réponse ici. ORIGINES : réponse ici. MÉTIER : réponse ici. STATUT FINANCIER : réponse ici. ORIENTATION SEXUELLE : réponse ici. STATUT CIVIL : réponse ici. CARACTÈRE : minimum 5 défauts et 5 qualités. GROUPE : réponse ici.

to know more about it

- Quels sont les souvenirs marquants de ton enfance ? 10 lignes minium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Développer un minimum.

- Et maintenant, que deviens-tu ? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Développer un minimum. 10 lignes minium.

- A ton avis, qu'est-ce que les gens pensent à ton sujet ? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 10 lignes minium.

- Quel est ton plus grand rêve ? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Développer un minimum. 10 lignes minium.

- Quel est LE secret que tu caches ? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 10 lignes minium.

- L'argent, le succès, la célébrité, ça représente quoi pour toi ? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Développer un minimum. 10 lignes minium.

Merci de faire suivre la liste des principaux souhaits du personnage, cela peut être des souhaits comme : désire faire un saut en parachute ou encore désire ouvrir son sex-shop. Vous pouvez en mettre autant que vous le voulez.

we are your friends
Prénom/Pseudo : réponse ici. Age : réponse ici. Pays : réponse ici. Connexion : réponse ici. Avis sur le forum : réponse ici. Inventé ou scénario : réponse ici.

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with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. _
MessageSujet: Re: with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon.   with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. EmptyJeu 13 Aoû - 19:29

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Teresa C. Porter
Teresa C. Porter
Miami is my city

❃ Messages : 217
❃ Pseudo : Siska
❃ Célébrité : Phoebe Tonkin
❃ Crédits : Daisy

Age : 24 ans
Métier : gérante d'une bijouterie de luxe
Adresse : villa 1869 Coconut Grove
Orientation : hétéro
Statut civil : fiancée mais enceinte du frère de son promis

with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. Tumblr_inline_nanqooPowi1rg5w1l

The awful truth
Ton secret: Je suis enceinte de deux mois, ce qui déjà est un grand secret mais je ne suis pas enceinte de mon fiancé mais de son frère ...
The relations:

with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. _
MessageSujet: Re: with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon.   with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. EmptyJeu 13 Aoû - 19:33

Bienvenue ma belle I love you
La famille Blake au complet OMG que des canons !!! with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 1130794368
Excellent choix de pré-lien et bon courage pour ta fiche with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 2671269093
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James Fairclough
James Fairclough
Miami is my city

❃ Messages : 173
❃ Pseudo : Vansx.
❃ Célébrité : Christian fucking Bale.
❃ Crédits : © Eden Memories (vava) + Anaëlle (sign).

Age : 37 ans. Un âge qui ne sert strictement à rien. La quarantaine qui approche à grands pas.
Métier : Il n'aurait pas besoin de travailler, mais pour s'occuper, il est entré dans la police. Il est maintenant inspecteur. Et il n'a pas forcément envie de monter en grade, il préfère le terrain à la paperasse.
Adresse : Coconut Grove, au bord de la mer, avec un bout de plage privatisé.
Orientation : Hétérosexuel. Il ne se pose même pas la question. Il n'aime que les douces courbes féminines.
Statut civil : Célibataire ne cherchant rien de particulier.

with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. Tumblr_mhbfes8JKR1rg1y5yo1_400


The awful truth
Ton secret:
The relations:

with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. _
MessageSujet: Re: with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon.   with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. EmptyJeu 13 Aoû - 19:34

Bienvenue parmi nous I love you
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Corey Ashcroft
Corey Ashcroft
we're so close, yet so far

❃ Messages : 443
❃ Pseudo : roar scream (wendy).
❃ Célébrité : michael b. jordan.
❃ Crédits : greer (av), anaëlle (sign).

Age : vingt-sept ans.
Métier : jardinier.
Adresse : un appartement dans downtown miami.
Orientation : les jolies courbes féminines.
Statut civil : casé, même si les personnes qui le savent se comptent sur les doigts d'une main.

with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. Tumblr_n5w1l82qXk1s64jz1o3_250

The awful truth
Ton secret: son histoire avec Rheia
The relations:

with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. _
MessageSujet: Re: with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon.   with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. EmptyJeu 13 Aoû - 19:59

excellent choix de pré-lien with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 3047193463
bienvenue parmi nous, si tu as la moindre question, il ne faut pas hésiter I love you
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Eytan Hartwood
Eytan Hartwood
A newcomer in Miami

❃ Messages : 69
❃ Pseudo : silver sky
❃ Célébrité : shiloh fernandez
❃ Crédits : kordeism

Age : trente-et-un ans
Métier : PDG d'Hartwood Entreprise
Orientation : hétérosexuel
Statut civil : fiancé pour les autres, célibataire en réalité.

with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. _
MessageSujet: Re: with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon.   with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. EmptyJeu 13 Aoû - 20:10

Moi je dis Chloé si ca peut t'aider with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 1058042377
Bienvenuuuuue with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 1852128611
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Aaron W. Blake
Aaron W. Blake
tu es bella comme la papaya

❃ Messages : 733
❃ Pseudo : CITIZEN ✝WAR (Marina).
❃ Célébrité : Grant Gustin.
❃ Crédits : HEART ATTACK + avatar.

Age : 25 ans, un quart de siècle déjà qu'il a à peine vu passer.
Métier : Jeune diplômé en architecture qui vient d'intégrer le plus prestigieux cabinet de Miami. Fils du Sénateur de Floride, ce qui est déjà un métier à plein temps. La fortune de sa famille est telle qu'il n'aurait même pas besoin de travailler, mais il aime ce qu'il fait.
Adresse : #2620 Villa, dans le quartier résidentiel de Coconut Grove.
Orientation : Les caleçons et les tablettes de chocolat. Du moins c'est ce qu'il a toujours cru.
Statut civil : Fiancé par obligation à une jeune femme payée pour l'occasion mais commence à éprouver certains étranges sentiments à son encontre.

with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. Tumblr_inline_n19hvlBt1C1rbvoq6
with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. Tumblr_nlsq1oQ4Qt1qcvbteo2_250

The awful truth
Ton secret: Cacher son homosexualité pour le bon vouloir de son cher politicien de père afin de présenter une famille parfaite et sans vice aux yeux du monde entier. Et oui, pour le Sénateur Blake la campagne électorale prime avant tout le reste.
The relations:

with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. _
MessageSujet: Re: with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon.   with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. EmptyJeu 13 Aoû - 20:21

Les Blake au pouvoir with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 183914810 with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 2875852096
Merci de tenter le lien de la petite soeur adorée !! Et comme dit dans ma fiche de pré-liens, vous serez deux à tenter I love you
Perso je vote Selena with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 1852128611

Bienvenue sur le forum & si tu as des questions n'hésites pas with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 1992111290
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Camryn Hawkes
Camryn Hawkes
Miami is my city

❃ Messages : 237
❃ Pseudo : new romantics
❃ Célébrité : Danielle Panabaker
❃ Crédits : undisclosed desires

Age : Vingt-cinq ans.
Métier : Assistante de l'attaché de presse de Mr Blake.
Adresse : #2620 Villa, dans le quartier résidentiel de Coconut Grove.
Orientation : Hétéro sans l'ombre d'un doute.
Statut civil : Fiancée en toute connaissance de cause à un homme gay.

with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. Tumblr_ni6m7fbtxG1tjtthyo1_250

with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. _
MessageSujet: Re: with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon.   with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. EmptyJeu 13 Aoû - 21:46

Bienvenue mademoiselle Blake with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 3102989876
Je vote aussi pour Selena hot Gomez with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 1629292227
Bonne chance pour ta fiche!
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Anaëlie Hopkins
Anaëlie Hopkins
Miami is my city

❃ Messages : 110
❃ Pseudo : almostalways.
❃ Célébrité : emma watson.
❃ Crédits : timeless.

Age : vingt-cinq ans.
Métier : journaliste.
Orientation : hétérosexuelle.
Statut civil : célibataire.

with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. _
MessageSujet: Re: with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon.   with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. EmptyJeu 13 Aoû - 22:15

Je vote Selena with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 2539808560 Bienvenue parmi nous en tout cas I love you
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Clark Blake
Clark Blake
A newcomer in Miami

❃ Messages : 60
❃ Pseudo : G.
❃ Célébrité : Stephen Amell.
❃ Crédits : Avatars de Blini Soul.

Age : 33 ans.
Métier : Reporter photographe.
Orientation : Hétérosexuel.
Statut civil : Célibataire.

with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 1439396422-tumblr-inline-nrkbp8t8we1s9cejg-540

Family is everything.
with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 1440188386-tumblr-inline-npwlkrzxz11rrvvif-500
with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 1440188230-tumblr-nahfmvdotq1sjvo41o4-250

Aaron - Corey - Teresa.

The awful truth
Ton secret: En Irak, il a protégé trois personnes et lui-même en tuant trois soldats irakiens. L'armée n'en a jamais parlé et il garde l'information pour lui, même si ça le hante toujours.
The relations:

with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. _
MessageSujet: Re: with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon.   with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. EmptyJeu 13 Aoû - 23:03

Bienvenue petit soeur with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 3361780292 with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 3361780292
Bon courage pour ta fiche et je dirais Selena également with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 3047193463 with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 3047193463
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Phoebe Perez
Phoebe Perez
Miami is my city

❃ Messages : 124
❃ Pseudo : aerie
❃ Célébrité : Lucy hale
❃ Crédits : .Cranberry + tumblr

Age : vingt ans
Métier : femme de ménage et étudiante en arts appliquée, profil musique
Adresse : #1250 little haiti
Orientation : hétérosexuelle
Statut civil : célibataire, mais accessoirement en couple avec Spencer pour leurer son père

I want you to love me
with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. Tumblr_niwkzq269y1tpy9plo9_250

The awful truth
Ton secret:
The relations:

with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. _
MessageSujet: Re: with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon.   with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. EmptyVen 14 Aoû - 3:35

Bienvenue Winnie ! Excellent choix de pré-liens. Si tu as le rôle, il nous faudra un lien et je t'enverrai un lien pour t'expliquer le tout ! Et pour l'avatar je vote Chloe ! Je trouve qu'elle collerait davantage à la famille Blake !
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Reaghan Wellington
Reaghan Wellington
Queen of Hearts

❃ Messages : 419
❃ Pseudo : peony (Charlène)
❃ Célébrité : Crystal Reed
❃ Crédits : tearsflight

Age : 28 ans
Métier : Co-fondatrice & PDG de Candy Lust
Adresse : 4602 Coconut Drive
Orientation : Rea goûte à tout, curieuse, elle ne s'arrête pas aux caractéristiques sexuelles des gens...
Statut civil : Personne ne sait réellement pour qui bat le coeur de Reaghan même si il n'y a qu'un seul homme qui occupe ses pensées

with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. Tumblr_nl14z7I5dn1rsvugro1_250

The awful truth
Ton secret: Rea a renvoyé son ancienne femme de ménage dans son pays d'origine après que celle-ci soit tombée enceinte d'Aiden. L'argent pour l'éloigner de Miami, n'a pas suffit, Rea a dû employer la manière forte
The relations:

with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. _
MessageSujet: Re: with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon.   with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. EmptyVen 14 Aoû - 13:35

Bienvenue et bon courage
J'aime beaucoup le prénom, et perso je vote pour Chloe qui ressemble plus aux frères Black, enfin de mon point vue.
Bonne chance pour le rôle et si tu as des questions concernant le forum, je suis là with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 2671269093
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Bianca Petrov
Bianca Petrov
I love the babies pandas

❃ Messages : 484
❃ Pseudo : toxic glam (Brenda)
❃ Célébrité : Nikolina Dobreva
❃ Crédits : avatar (undercover)

Age : Vingt-quatre ans
Métier : Elle vole les riches pour donner aux pauvres et illusionniste qui a monté un spectacle, désirant trouver un acolyte.
Adresse : #0010 Little Havane (résidence).
Orientation : Hétérosexuelle, elle voudrait bien d'un homme pour le petit-déjeuner, pour le déjeuner et le dîner.
Statut civil : Elle a une aventure avec un beau médecin, mais elle a appris qu'elle n'était qu'un pari au début. Vexée elle ne veut plus avoir affaire à lui.

premier devoir du magicien : être le plus malin dans la salle
with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. Tumblr_nrfv3emD6E1qhebpko5_r1_250

The awful truth
Ton secret: Elle se fait passer pour riche, afin de s'introduire dans leur monde. Elle visionne les maisons pour ensuite les voler. Elle donne tout ce qu'elle récolte à des familles pauvres de Miami.
The relations:

with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. _
MessageSujet: Re: with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon.   with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. EmptyMar 18 Aoû - 17:12

Des nouvelles ? with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. 1058042377
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Contenu sponsorisé

with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. _
MessageSujet: Re: with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon.   with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon. Empty

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with the golden smile that made you feel new, like when the marching band strolls the street. so you took her hand and she gave a look that sent you to the moon.
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